Adults using WAKI app have a service to create an online order if there are online order quantity for the items.
in order to deliver the online order to the student using WAKI Business app, the student should go to the canteen on the delivery date, and from the business app, Click on "Online Orders", then Select either "Card/Wristband" or "Face ID" depending on how the student want to confirm delivery.
- if "Card/Wristband" was selected, then scan the card/wristband on the device and the order should show up, click either "deliver" to confirm order, or click "reject" to reject the order and the money will return to the wallet.
- if "Face ID" was selected, then use the camera to scan the face of the student, click "Capture" and wait for the results, then click "deliver" to confirm order or "reject"
to reject the order and the money will return to the wallet.